Inilah foto wanita kejam yang tega menyiksa anak tirinya!!!
Mungkin ini adalah salah satu bentuk penyiksaan pada anak kecil yang paling parah! Bulan lalu, setelah mendapatkan informasi bahwa seorang anak berumur 9 tahun telah di siksa, polisi segera datang ke rumah Jaime and Murray Day di Lake Charles, Louisiana, USA.
Apa yang ditemukan Polisi sangatlah luar biasa mengerikan!
Seorang anak berumur 9 tahun di penjara di kamar tidur sendiri oleh ibu tiri nya, Jaime Day. Pintu kamar di kunci dengan rantai anjing sehingga tidak bisa di buka. Di dalam kamar tersebut, polisi menemukan seorang anak kecil 9 thn dengan berat badan yang hanya 17Kg, terbaring lemah di atas ranjang yang sangat kotor berlumur darah dan air kencing sendiri.
Anak malang tersebut hanya mengenakan kaos, celana pendek dan diaper. Sepertinya ibu tirinya yang kejam itu tidak memperbolehkan ia pergi ke WC sehingga kamar tsb di penuhi oleh air kencing dan kotoran buang air besar nya sendiri. Anak tsb juga mempunyai banyak bekas pukulan-pukulan di seluruh badan dan wajahnya.
Anak laki-laki tsb terpaksa terbaring di rumah sakit selama 13 hari utk memulihkan kesehatannya yang parah karena kurang gizi dan kedinginan.
Anak tsb mengatakan ibu tirinya itu tidak mau memberinya makanan, malah memaksa dia yang sedang kelaparan untuk menonton ibu tiri tsb dengan keluarga yang lain makan. Kadang dia sangat lapar dan haus sekali, sampai dia terpaksa minum air kencing nya sendiri dan makan kotoran buang air besar nya untuk bisa bertahan hidup.
Dia juga di siksa lebih jauh dengan menderita banyak luka bakar di punggungnya.
Ibu tirinya, Jaime Day di kenakan pasal berlapis dengan 25 dakwaan atas penyiksaan terhadap anak.
Yang anehnya, ibu tiri ini tidak menyiksa kedua anak kandungnya yang berumur 4 dan 6 tahun.
Kasihan, Sungguh Memilukan Nasib Anak Malang ini.
-----------------This could be the worst child abuse case we've ever heard. Last month, after receiving a tip that a 9-year-old boy was being abused, police arrived at the Lake Charles, Louisiana home of Jaime and Murray Day. What they found was beyond horrific...
The 9-year-old was being kept a prisoner in a bedroom by his stepmother, Jaime Day. The door was tied with a dog leash so it couldn't be opened. Inside the cops found the boy, weighing just 38 pounds, lying on dirty foam atop a box spring covered in blood and urine.
He was dressed only in a T-shirt, shorts, and a diaper. It seems stepmom wouldn't let him use the bathroom, since the room reeked of urine. He also had bruises across his body and face.
The boy spent 13 days in the hospital recovering, suffering from hypothermia due to malnutrition. And his story of abuse seemed unparalleled.
He said Jaime Day refused to feed him, instead forcing him to watch as the rest of the family -- including two boy ages 4 and 6 -- ate in front of him. At times he became so hungry and thirsty that he drank his own urine and ate his own feces to survive.
He was also tortured. Jaime Day set a sock filled with rice on his back, then heated it up, causing the boy second-degree burns.
Jaime Day has been hit with 25 counts of child cruelty. Murry Day faces an additional five counts.
Curiously, the couple spared their other to kids from their viciousness. Perhaps that's because they were both Jaime Day's biological children.
The nine-year-old was Murry Day's son from a previous relationship. But he'd been given custody six years ago after his biological mom also physically abused him. Doctors believe his latest round of torture had gone on for months.
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