The Most Strange of Restaurant in the World...
Canibalistic Restaurant Japan
“Nyotaimori” yang artinya female body plate adalah salah satu nama restaurant di Jepang yang menyajikan sushi dah sashimi di tubuh mayat wanita. Tubuh mayat ini terbuat dari makanan dandiletakkan di meja operasi seperti di rumah sakit. Pengunjung bisa memakan bagian tubuh mana saja. Tubuh yang dipotong akan mengeluarkan darah, persis seperti potongan tubuh manusia.
"Nyotaimori" which means female body plate is one of the names in Japanese restaurant serving sushi sashimi easy on the dead woman's body. The body is made from food and
placed on the operating table like in the hospital. Visitors can take any body parts. Body that would cut out the blood, just like pieces of human bodies.
Toilet Restaurant Taiwan
Marton Theme Restaurant, di Kaohsiung ( Taiwan ) menyediakan nuansa toilet bagi pelanggannya. Dekorasi ruangan, kursi dan tempat makan yang digunakan persis seperti di toilet. Meja dibuat seperti bathtub, dan makanan yang disediakan diletakkan di piring dan mangkuk yang di design seperti toilet duduk. Makanan yang disajikan di sini tidak hanya enak, tapi juga memberikan sensasi sendiri bagi pengunjungnya.--------------
Marton Theme Restaurant, in Kaohsiung (Taiwan) to provide toilets for their customers feel. Decorating the room, and dining chairs that are used just like in the toilet. The table is made like a bathtub, and provided food placed on the plate and bowl are designed like a toilet seat. The food served here is not only delicious, but also gives the sensation of his own for the visitors.
Restaurant in the sky Belgium
Dinner in the Sky adalah salah satu restoran di Brussels yang menyediakan tempat makan untuk 22 orang. Tentu saja di ketinggian 150 kaki !!! Tempat makan di design khusus untuk bisa diangkat menggunakan crane. Pengunjung bebas menentukan lokasi ketinggian yang diminati, asal jangan sampai menjatuhkan garpu dan pisau
Dinner in the Sky is one of the restaurants in Brussels which provide food for 22 people. Of course, at an altitude of 150 feet! Places to eat in a special design to be lifted using a crane. Visitors are free to choose the location of the height of interest, just do not to drop the fork and knife
Dark Restaurant China
Restaurant kegelapan terletak di Beijing, China. Semua design restaurant benar-benar berwarna hitam. Pengunjung yang datang akan di antar oleh pelayan yang sudah dilengkapi dengan teropong malam ke meja makan. Senter, HP, arloji dilarang di area ini. Karena tidak bisa melihat makanan yang disantap, pengunjung benar-benar measakan makanan yang tidak pernah dimakan sebelumnya di restaurant ini----------
Darkness Restaurant located in Beijing, China. All restaurant design really black. Visitors who came to be in between the waiter who has been equipped with night-vision goggles to the table. Flashlights, cell phones, watches prohibited in this area. Because they can not see the food eaten, visitors really measakan foods that have never eaten before in this restaurant.
The Grave Restaurant India
Restaurant yang terletak di Ahmadabad India ini terkenal dengan menu teh susu, roti gulung dan kuburan di antara meja. Pemilik restaurant mengaku telah membuka restaurant ini turun temurun selama 4 dekade, tapi tidak tahu siapa jenazah yang terkubur di bawah kuburan ini
Restaurant is located in Ahmadabad is famous for Indian milk tea menu, bread rolls and the graves between the tables. Restaurant owner claimed to have opened this restaurant for 4 hereditary decade, but did not know who the bodies are buried beneath this grave
Jail Restaurant Italy
Restaurant ini terletak di tempang yang paling-paling aman, yaitu penjara Fortezza Medicea di Italy. Dekorasi restoran ini adalah penjara tempat pembunuhan yang dilengkapi dengan tembok setinggi 60 kaki, menara pengawas, security kemera yang telah beroperasi selama 500 tahun. Selain itu, tempat ini dilengkapi juga dengan penjaga penjara dengan senjata lengkap.----
This restaurant is located in the most-tempang most secure, the Fortezza Medicea prison in Italy. This restaurant decor is a prison where the killing is equipped with 60 foot high walls, watchtowers, security kemera which has been operating for 500 years. In addition, this place is also equipped with a prison guard with a complete weapon.
Robot Restautant China
Kenapa dinamakan robot ? karena restaurant ini buka sepanjang hari selama 21 jam tanpa mengenal lelah. Pengelola restaurant juga sekilas terlihat sama, namun ini adalah pasangan suami istri kembar identik ! Orang-orang sekitar menyebutnya ” robot couple restaurant ” karena mereka melihat orang yang sama bekerja seperti robot dalam menjalankan restoran dari jam 5 pagi sampai jam 3 dini hari. Makanya dinamakan robot.----
Why is called the robot? because the restaurant is open all day for 21 hours without tiring. Restaurant manager also briefly look the same, but this is a couple of identical twins! The people around called "robot couple restaurant" because they see the same people who worked like a robot in running a restaurant than at 5 in the morning until 3 in the morning. So-called robot.
Under Sea Restaurant Maldives
Restaurant bawah laut pertama diperkenalkan di Hilton Maldives Resort & Spa, April 2007. Restaurant bernama Ithaa ( baca eet-ha ) artinya Pearl dalam bahasa Maldives, Dhivehi, berada 5 meter di bawah Samudra Hindia yang dikelilingi oleh coral dan panorama bawah laut. Ini adalah restaurant pertama untuk ketagori bawah laut.
The first underwater restaurant introduced at the Hilton Maldives Resort & Spa, April 2007. Restaurant named Ithaa (read eet-ha) means Pearl in Maldives, Dhivehi, is 5 feet below the Indian Ocean, surrounded by coral and underwater panorama. This is the first restaurant to ketagori underwater.
Condom Restaurant Thailand
Cabbages dan Condoms adalah nama restaurant di Thailand. Ada banyak kondom di dinding2 dan lukisan kondom di karpet. Setelah makan, pengunjung akan diberi kondom di meja kasir. Keuntungan dari restaurant ini digunakan untuk mendukung yayasan Population and Community Development Association ( PDA ).---
Cabbages and Condoms is a restaurant in Thailand. There are plenty of condoms in the condom dinding2 and paintings on the carpet. After dinner, guests will be given condoms on the counter. The advantage of this restaurant used to support the foundation's Population and Community Development Association (PDA)
Medical Restaurant Taiwan
D.S Music Restaurant di Taipei, Taiwan adalah restaurant dengan nuansa media. Dekorasi ruangan seperti rumah sakit, pelayanannya berpakaian seperti perawat, dan botol minumnya juga dikemas dalam botol infus.----
DS Music Restaurant in Taipei, Taiwan is a restaurant with the feel of the media. Decor of the room like a hospital, dressed as a nurse ministry, and also drink bottles packaged in an IV bottle.
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