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My love as long as 160,000 km...(Kisah Nyata)

Saturday, February 27, 2010 -, " Welcome to visit on our info site."

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My love as long as 160,000 km...(Kisah Nyata)

Dua orang pemuda dari Beijing China pergi sejauh 160.000 km melewati 13 negara untuk menemui salah satu pacar dari pemuda tersebut di Berlin, Jerman. Kedua pemuda itu adalah Liu Chang dan Gu Yue, perjalanan mereka tempuh dengan cara berjalan kaki dan menumpang kendaraan-kendaraan yang lewat. Total mereka menumpang 88 kali selama perjalanan. Perjalanan mereka disebut-sebut sebagai "Perjalanan penuh rintangan paling romantis dalam sejarah"

Liu Chang and Gu Yue dalam perjalanannya membawa bawaan yang sangat banyak dan berat, mereka meyakinkan petugas visa dari 12 negara dengan mengatakan bahwa mereka adalah backpacker. Setelah urusan visa selesai, mereka memulai perjalanan dengan membawa uang cash, kartu kredit, kantong tidur, laptop, kamera dan beberapa baju.

Selama perjalanan mereka sering menumpang kendaraan-kendaraan yang lewat, dan tidak semudah yang anda bayangkan, mereka ditolak lebih dari 1000 kali ketika meminta tumpangan selama perjalanan. Bahkan mereka pernah menunggu 2 hari di pinggir jalan hanya karena tidak ada orang yang mau memberikan tumpangan. Setiap kali akan menumpang mereka biasa berkata “we need to hitch ride to Germany from China” “Could you give us a ride?” “Excuse us, we don’t have money for you but we’ve got cigarette and smiles”

Semakin banyak tantangan, mereka semakin menyukainya. Setelah 3,5 bulan akhirnya Gu Yue berhasil menemui kekasihnya di Berlin. "Saya berjalan menuju arah matahari terbenam selama 3,5 bulan, karena saya tahu Matahari terbenam di kota Berlin, dan disanalah kekasihku tinggal" Kata Gu Yue

Kekasih Gu Yue berkata "Lain kali jika kamu ingin ke sini, naiklah pesawat!". Saat ini Gu Yue dan kekasihnya berada di Thailand untuk berlibur bersama.

Gu yue di Turki
Menumpang Kereta kuda di Bulgaria
Menunggu tumpangan di pinggir jalan sudah biasa bagi mereka, bahkan mereka pernah menunggu hingga 2 hari
Menumpang truk pengantar coca cola di Uzbekistan
Gu Yue menumpang motor roda tiga di Aksu, Xinjing
Akhirnya Gu Yue berhasil menemui kekasihnya setelah menempuh perjalanan 160.000 km
selama 3,5 bulan
Two young men from Beijing China to go as far as 160,000 km through 13 countries to meet one of the youth's girlfriend in Berlin, Germany. The boys are Liu Chang and Gu Yue, the journey they travel by foot and ride vehicles pass. They took a total of 88 times during the trip. Their journey has been described as "full of obstacles Travel most romantic in history"
Liu Chang and Gu Yue carrying luggage on the way very many and heavy, they convince the visa officer from 12 countries, saying that they are backpacker. After the visa affair is complete, they start the journey to bring cash, credit cards, sleeping bag, laptop, camera and some clothes.
During the journey they often ride the vehicles passing, and not as easy as you might imagine, they rejected more than 1,000 times when asked for a ride during the trip. Even they had to wait 2 days on the street just because no one wants to give a ride. Every time you ride them would say "we need to hitch ride to Germany from China" "Could you give us a ride?" "Excuse us, we do not have money for you but we've got cigarette and smiles"
The more challenges, they were more like it. After 3.5 months of Yue Gu finally managed to meet her lover in Berlin. "I walked into the sunset for 3.5 months, because I know the sun is setting in the city of Berlin, and stayed there the beloved" said Gu Yue
Gu Yue's lover said "Next time if you want to come here, take a plane!". Currently Yue Gu and his girlfriend were in Thailand for a vacation together.

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