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Kakek Renta 80 Tahun Nikahi Gadis Bawah Umur 12 Tahun

Seorang pria Arab Saudi yang sudah masuk kategori tua bangka, 80 tahun, menikahi gadis remaja berusia 12 tahun. Sistem hukum negara itu pun kembali dikecam.
Pernikahan itu terjadi di Kota Buraidah di Provinsi Al-Qasim. Berdasarkan laporan harian Al-Riyadh, pekan lalu, gadis malang itu dipaksa menikah oleh ayahnya yang melawan kemauan gadis itu dan ibunya. Koran itu melaporkan, pernikahan itu dilakukan demi mas kawin.

Ibu gadis itu telah meminta bantuan Komisi Hak Asasi Arab Saudi. Namun, lembaga tersebut belum dapat berbuat sesuatu karena masih menunggu proses yang tengah berlangsung di pengadilan lokal.

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A Saudi Arabian man who had entered old fart category, 80 years old, married adolescent girls aged 12 years. Country's legal system was again criticized.
Wedding took place in the city of Buraidah in Al-Qasim Province. Based on reports of Al-Riyadh daily, last week, the poor girl forced into marriage by her father against her wishes and her mother. The newspaper reported, was done for the wedding dowry.

The girl's mother has requested assistance Rights Commission of Saudi Arabia. However, these institutions can not do something because it is still waiting for the ongoing process in the local courts.


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