Anak pertama pasangan Irawati-Abdul Kasim itu lahir dengan berat 3,2 kilogram sekitar pukul 05.30. Mereka tidak menyangka akan mendapatkan bayi istimewa tersebut. ”Kami tidak menyangka bayi kami lain daripada yang lain,” ungkap Kasim kemarin (21/1).
Dia menuturkan, selama masa kehamilan, istrinya tidak menunjukkan tanda atau hal-hal yang aneh dan mencurigakan. Bahkan, hingga waktu persalinan di kediamannya dini hari itu, semua proses berjalan lancar. ”Saat hamil, istri saya rajin memeriksakan kesehatan jabang bayi ke bidan di Nibung Putih,” ujarnya.
Sebelum bayinya lahir, Kasim sempat membawa istrinya ke dokter ahli kandungan untuk pemeriksaan USG. Menurut dokter, kondisi jabang bayi di kandungan Irawati normal dan sehat walafiat. ”Tidak ada gambaran bahwa anak kami akan memiliki kepala dua,” ujar Kasim, yang sehari-hari sebagai petani.
Keanehan terlihat ketika tubuh bayi mungil tersebut keluar secara keseluruhan dari rahim Irawati. Pada sisi perut sebelah kiri bayi itu menempel kepala lengkap dengan rambut. ”Saya belum tahu bagaimana rencana ke depan untuk anak saya tersebut,” kata Karim.
Salah seorang tetangga yang mengunjungi anak berkepala dua tersebut, Sutiati, mengatakan cukup terkejut. Dia tidak menyangka ada bayi yang lahir berkepala dua di wilayah tempat tinggalnya. ”Setelah mendengar ada bayi lahir dengan kondisi tersebut, saya langsung melihat. Ternyata benar ada bayi dengan kepala dua,” katanya.
Kapolres Tanjabtim AKBP Drs Budi Wasono MH membenarkan adanya kejadian itu. ”Kami melaksanakan pengamanan di lokasi demi terjaganya situasi yang kondusif. Sebab, masyarakat berduyun-duyun ingin melihat bayi berkepala dua itu,” kata Budi. (Sumber: JawaPos)
Baby boy born in a two-headed Nibung White, Muarasabak Western District, Eastern District of Tanjung Jabung (Tanjabtim), Jami Province, last Tuesday (19 / 1). The baby was born from the couple Irawati, 25, and Abdul Kasim, 29, a local citizen.
First child the couple Irawati-Abdul Kasim was born weighing 3.2 pounds at around 05.30. They did not expect to get these special babies. "We're not expecting another baby than others," Kasim said yesterday (21 / 1).He tells us, during pregnancy, she did not show signs or things that are strange and suspicious. In fact, until the time of labor at his home early that day, all processes run smoothly. "When you are pregnant, my wife's health checked by diligent newborn baby to the midwife at the White Nibung," he said.
Before the baby was born, Kasim had brought his wife to the gynecologist for an ultrasound examination. According to doctors, the condition of newborn babies in the womb Irawati normal and well. "No idea that our children will have two heads," said Kasim, a day-to-day as a farmer.
Strangeness seen when the tiny baby's body out of the womb overall Irawati. On the left side of the baby's stomach was stuck with a complete head of hair. "I do not know how to plan ahead for my child," said Karim.
One neighbor who visited the two-headed child, Sutiati, said quite surprised. He did not think there headed baby born in the region where he lived. "After hearing a baby is born with the condition, I immediately saw. Apparently there was a baby with two heads, "he said.
Drs AKBP police chief Budi Tanjabtim MH Wasono justify it. "We carry out security at the site for the preservation of a conducive situation. Therefore, the public flocked to see the two-headed baby, "said Budi. (Source: JawaPos)
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