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Amanda Knox mahasiswi pembunuh dijatuhi hukuman 26 tahun penjara..

Saturday, December 5, 2009 -, " Welcome to visit on our info site."

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Perugia, Italia -Amanda Knox (Amerika) mahasiswi dinyatakan bersalah membunuh teman sekamarnya Kercher (Inggris) dan dijatuhi hukuman penjara 26 tahun pada hari Sabtu setelah selama satu tahun persidangan yang mencengkeram Italia dan menarik perhatian media intens.
Rekan-rekan terdakwa, mantan pacar Raffaele Sollecito, dinyatakan bersalah dan dijatuhi hukuman 25 tahun.

Ayahnya Curt Knox, ketika ditanya apakah ia akan berjuang untuk putrinya, menjawab, dengan mata berkaca-kaca: "Hell, ya."
"Ini hanya kesalahan," kata ibu tirinya, Cassandra Knox segera setelah mendengar vonis. "Kami keluarganya bersikeras dia tidak bersalah dan ini bukan pembunuhan karakter.
Kercher tubuh ditemukan dalam genangan darah dengan gorokan di lehernya pada 2 November 2007, di kamar tidur rumah dia berbagi dengan Knox ,di mana keduanya sedang belajar di kota abad pertengahan di pusat Perugia Italia.


PERUGIA, Italy – American college student Amanda Knox was found guilty of murdering her British roommate and sentenced to 26 years in prison early Saturday after a year-long trial that gripped Italy and drew intense media attention.

Her co-defendant, former boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito, was convicted and sentenced to 25 years. The two also were found guilty of sexual assault in the 2007 murder of Meredith Kercher, a 21-year-old student from England.

The American's father, Curt Knox, asked if he would fight on for his daughter, replied, with tears in his eyes: "Hell, yes."

"This is just wrong," her stepmother, Cassandra Knox, said, turning around immediately after hearing the verdict. Her family had insisted she was innocent and a victim of character assassination.

Kercher's body was found in a pool of blood with her throat slit on Nov. 2, 2007, in the bedroom of the house she shared with Knox while the two were studying in the medieval town of Perugia in central Italy. Prosecutors said the Leeds University student was murdered the previous night.


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