Penyakit kanker sudah tidak berbahaya lagi...
Kanker tidak lagi mematikan. Para penderita kanker di Indonesia dapat memiliki harapan hidup yang lebih lama dengan ditemukannya tanaman "KELADI TIKUS" (Typhonium Flagelliforme/ Rodent Tuber) sebagai tanaman obat yang dapat menghentikan dan mengobati berbagai penyakit kanker dan berbagai penyakit berat lain. Tanaman sejenis talas dengan tinggi maksimal 25 sampai 30 cm ini hanya tumbuh di semak yang tidak terkena sinar matahari langsung. "Tanaman ini sangat banyak ditemukan di Pulau Jawa," kata Drs.Patoppoi Pasau, orang pertama yang menemukan tanaman itu di Indonesia .
Tanaman obat ini telah diteliti sejak tahun 1995 oleh Prof Dr Chris K.H.Teo,Dip Agric (M), BSc Agric (Hons)(M), MS, PhD dari Universiti Sains Malaysia dan juga pendiri Cancer Care Penang, Malaysia. Lembaga perawatan kanker yang didirikan tahun 1995 itu telah membantu ribuan pasien dari Malaysia , Amerika, Inggris , Australia , Selandia Baru, Singapura, dan berbagai negara di dunia. Di Indonesia, tanaman ini pertama ditemukan oleh Patoppoi di Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah. Ketika itu, istri Patoppoi mengidap kanker payudara stadium III dan harus dioperasi 14 Januari 1998. Setelah kanker ganas tersebut diangkat melalui operasi, istri Patoppoi harus menjalani kemoterapi (suntikan kimia untuk membunuh sel, Red) untuk menghentikan penyebaran sel-sel kanker tersebut. "Sebelum menjalani kemoterapi,dokter mengatakan agar kami menyiapkan wig (rambut palsu) karena kemoterapi akan mengakibatkan kerontokan rambut, selain kerusakan kulit dan hilangnya nafsu makan," jelas Patoppoi.
Selama mendampingi istrinya menjalani kemoterapi, Patoppoi terus berusaha mencari pengobatan alternatif sampai akhirnya dia mendapatkan informasi mengenai penggunaan teh Lin Qi di Malaysia untuk mengobati kanker. "Saat itu juga saya langsung terbang ke Malaysiauntuk membeli teh tersebut," ujar Patoppoi yang juga ahli biologi. Ketika sedang berada di sebuah toko obat di Malaysia , secara tidak sengaja dia melihat dan membaca buku mengenai pengobatan kanker yang berjudul Cancer, Yet They Live karangan Dr Chris K.H. Teo terbitan 1996. "Setelah saya baca sekilas, langsung saja saya beli buku tersebut. Begitu menemukan buku itu, saya malah tidak jadi membeli teh Lin Qi, tapi langsung pulang ke Indonesia ," kenang Patoppoi sambil tersenyum.
Di buku itulah Patoppoi membaca khasiat typhonium flagelliforme itu. Berdasarkan pengetahuannya di bidang biologi, pensiunan pejabat Departemen Pertanian ini langsung menyelidiki dan mencari tanaman tersebut. Setelah menghubungi beberapa koleganya di berbagai tempat, familinya di Pekalongan Jawa Tengah, balas menghubunginya. Ternyata, mereka menemukan tanaman itu di sana . Setelah mendapatkan tanaman tersebut dan mempelajarinya lagi, Patoppoi menghubungi Dr. Teo di Malaysia untuk menanyakan kebenaran tanaman yang ditemukannya itu. Selang beberapa hari, Dr Teo menghubungi Patoppoi dan menjelaskan bahwa tanaman tersebut memang benar Rodent Tuber. "Dr Teo mengatakan agar tidak ragu lagi untuk menggunakannya sebagai obat," lanjut Patoppoi. Akhirnya, dengan tekad bulat dan do'a untuk kesembuhan, Patoppoi mulai memproses tanaman tersebut sesuai dengan langkah-langkah pada buku tersebut untuk diminum sebagai obat. Kemudian Patoppoi menghubungi putranya, Boni Patoppoi di Buduran, Sidoarjo untuk ikut mencarikan tanaman tersebut. "Setelah melihat ciri-ciri tanaman tersebut, saya mulai mencari di pinggir sungai depan rumah dan langsung saya dapatkan tanaman tersebut tumbuh liar di pinggir sungai," kata Boni yang mendampingi ayahnya saat itu.
Selama mengkonsumsi sari tanaman tersebut, isteri Patoppoi mengalami penurunan efek samping kemoterapi yang dijalaninya. Rambutnya berhenti rontok, kulitnya tidak rusak dan mual-mual hilang. "Bahkan nafsu makan ibu saya pun kembali normal," lanjut Boni. Setelah tiga bulan meminum obat tersebut, isteri Patoppoi menjalani pemeriksaan kankernya. "Hasil pemeriksaan negatif, dan itu sungguh mengejutkan kami dan dokter-dokter di Jakarta ," kata Patoppoi. Para dokter itu kemudian menanyakan kepada Patoppoi, apa yang diberikan pada isterinya.. "Malah mereka ragu, apakah mereka telah salah memberikan dosis kemoterapi kepada kami," lanjut Patoppoi. Setelah diterangkan mengenai kisah tanaman Rodent Tuber, para dokter pun mendukung Pengobatan tersebut dan menyarankan agar mengembangkannya. Apalagi melihat keadaan isterinya yang tidak mengalami efek samping kemoterapi yang sangat keras tersebut. Dan pemeriksaan yang seharusnya tiga bulan sekali diundur menjadi enam bulan sekali."Tetapi karena sesuatu hal, para dokter tersebut tidak mau mendukung secara terang-terangan penggunaan tanaman sebagai pengobatan alternatif," sambung Boni sambil tertawa.
Setelah beberapa lama tidak berhubungan, berdasarkan peningkatan keadaan isterinya, pada bulan April 1998, Patoppoi kemudian menghubungi Dr.Teo melalui fax untukmenginformasik an bahwa tanaman tersebut banyak terdapat di Jawa dan mengajak Dr. Teo untuk menyebarkan penggunaan tanaman ini di Indonesia. Kemudian Dr . Teo langsung membalas fax kami, tetapi mereka tidak tahu apa yang harus mereka perbuat, karena jarak yang jauh," sambung Patoppoi. Meskipun Patoppoi mengusulkan agar buku mereka diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesiadan disebar-luaskan di Indonesia, Dr. Teo menganjurkan agar kedua belah pihak bekerja sama dan berkonsentrasi dalam usaha nyata membantu penderita kanker di Indonesia. Kemudian, pada akhir Januari 2000 saat Jawa Pos mengulas habis mengenai meninggalnya Wing Wiryanto, salah satu wartawan handal Jawa Pos,Patoppoi sempat tercengang. Data-data rinci mengenai gejala, penderitaan, pengobatan yang diulas di Jawa Pos, ternyata sama dengan salah satu pengalaman pengobatan penderita kanker usus yang dijelaskan di buku tersebut.
Dan eksperimen pengobatan tersebut berhasil menyembuhkan pasien tersebut. "Lalu saya langsung menulis di kolom Pembaca Menulis di Jawa Pos," ujar Boni. Dan tanggapan yang diterimanya benar-benar diluar dugaan. Dalam sehari, bisa sekitar 30 telepon yang masuk. "Sampai saat ini, sudah ada sekitar 300 orang yang datang ke sini," lanjut Boni yang beralamat di Jl. KH. Khamdani, Buduran Sidoarjo. Pasien pertama yang berhasil adalah penderita Kanker Mulut Rahim stadium dini. Setelah diperiksa, dokter mengatakan harus dioperasi.. Tetapi karena belum memiliki biaya dan sambil menunggu rumahnya laku dijual untuk biaya operasi, mereka datang setelah membaca Jawa Pos. Setelah diberi tanaman dan cara meminumnya, tidak lama kemudian pasien tersebut datang lagi dan melaporkan bahwa dia tidak perlu dioperasi, karena hasil pemeriksaan mengatakan negatif.
Berdasarkan animo masyarakat sekitar yang sangat tinggi, Patoppoi berusaha untuk menemui Dr. Teo secara langsung. Atas bantuan Direktur Jenderal Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan Departemen Kesehatan, Sampurno, Patoppoi dapat menemui Dr. Teo di Penang , Malaysia . Di kantor Pusat Cancer Care Penang, Malaysia , Patoppoi mendapat penerangan lebih lanjut mengenai riset tanaman yang saat ditemukan memiliki nama Indonesia . Ternyata saat Patoppoi mendapat buku "Cancer, Yet They Live" edisi revisi tahun 1999, fax yang dikirimnya di masukkan dalam buku tersebut, serta pengalaman isterinya dalam usahanya berperang melawan kanker. Dari pembicaraan mereka, Dr.. Teo merekomendasi agar Patoppoi mendirikan perwakilan Cancer Care di Jakarta dan Surabaya . Maka secara resmi, Patoppoi dan putranya diangkat sebagai perwakilan lembaga sosial Cancer Care Indonesia , yang juga disebutkan dalam buletin bulanan Cancer Care, yaitu di Jl. Kayu Putih 4 No. 5, Jakarta , telp. 021-4894745, dan di Buduran, Sidoarjo. Cancer Care Malaysiatelah mengembangkan bentuk pengobatan tersebut secara lebih canggih. Mereka telah memproduksi ekstrak Keladi Tikus dalam bentuk pil dan teh bubuk yang dikombinasikan dengan berbagai tananaman lainnya dengan dosis tertentu. "Dosis yang diperlukan tergantung penyakit yang diderita," kata Boni.
Untuk mendapatkan obat tersebut, penderita harus mengisi formulir yang menanyakan keadaan dan gejala penderita dan akan dikirimkan melalui fax ke Dr. Teo. "Formulir tersebut dapat diisi disini, dan akan kami fax-kan. Kemudian Dr. Teo sendiri yang akan mengirimkan resep sekaligus obatnya, dengan harga langsung dari Malaysia , sekitar 40-60 Ringgit Malaysia ," lanjut Boni. " Jadi pasien hanya membayar biaya fax dan obat, kami tidak menarik keuntungan, malahan untuk yang kurang mampu, Dr.Teo bisa memberikan perpanjangan waktu pembayaran. " tambahnya.
Sebenarnya pengobatan ini juga didukung dan sedang dicoba oleh salah satu dokter senior di Surabaya, pada pasiennya yang mengidap kanker ginjal. Adadua pasien yang sedang dirawat dokter yang pernah menjabat sebagai direktur salah satu rumah sakit terbesar di Surabayaini. Pasien pertama yang mengidap kanker rahim tidak sempat diberi pengobatan dengan keladi tikus, karena telah ditangani oleh rekan-rekan dokter yang telah memiliki reputasi.
Setelah menjalani kemoterapi dan radiologi, pasien tersebut mengalami kerontokan rambut, kulit rusak dan gatal, dan selalu muntah. Tetapi pada pasien kedua yang mengidap kanker ginjal, dokter ini menanganinya sendiri dan juga memberikan pil keladi tikus untuk membantu proses penyembuhan kemoterapi. Pada pasien kedua ini, tidak ditemui berbagai efek yang dialami penderita pertama, bahkan pasien tersebut kelihatan normal. Tetapi dokter ini menolak untuk diekspos karena menurutnya, pengobatan ini belum resmi diteliti di Indonesia . Menurutnya, jika rekan-rekannya mengetahui bahwa dia memakai pengobatan alternatif, mereka akan memberikan predikat sebagai "ter-kun" atau dokter-dukun. "Disinilah gap yang terbuka antara pengobatan konvensional dan modern," kata dokter tersebut.
Banyak hal menarik yang dialami Boni selama menerima dan memberikan bantuan kepada berbagai pasien. Bahkan ada pecandu berat putaw dan sabu-sabu di Surabaya , yang pada akhirnya pecandu tersebut mendapat kanker paru-paru. Setelah mendapat vonis kanker paru-paru stadium III, pasien tersebut mengkonsumsi pil dan teh dari Cancer Care. Hasilnya cukup mengejutkan, karena ternyata obat tersebut dapat mengeluarkan racun narkoba dari peredaran darah penderita dan mengatasi ketergantungan pada narkoba tersebut. "Tapi, jika pecandu sudah bisa menetralisir racun dengan keladi tikus, dia tidak boleh memakai narkoba lagi, karena pasti akan timbul resistensi. Jadi jangan seperti kebo, habis mandi berkubang lagi," sambung Boni sambil tertawa. Juga ada pengalaman pasien yang meraung-raung kesakitan akibat serangan kanker yang menggerogotinya, karena obat penawar rasa sakit sudah tidak mempan lagi. Setelah diberi minum sari keladi tikus, beberapa saat kemudian pasien tersebut tenang dan tidak lagi merasa kesakitan. Menurut data Cancer Care Malaysia, berbagai penyakit yang telah disembuhkan adalah berbagai kanker dan penyakit berat seperti kanker payudara, paru-paru, usus besar-rectum, liver, prostat, ginjal, leher rahim, tenggorokan, tulang, otak, limpa, leukemia, empedu, pankreas, dan hepatitis. Jadi diharapkan agar hasil penelitian yang menghabiskan milyaran Ringgit Malaysia selama 5 tahun dapat benar-benar berguna bagi dunia kesehatan.
Bagi teman-teman yang memerlukan informasi lebih lanjut sehubungan dengan artikel "Obat Kanker" bisa menghubungi perwakilan lembaga sosial.
"Cancer Care Indonesia "
beralamat di Jl. Kayu Putih 4 no.5 Jakarta , telp : 021-4894745
Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat..
Cancer is not dangerous anymore ...
Cancer is no longer lethal. The cancer patients in Indonesia can have a life expectancy longer with the discovery of the plant "taro RATS" (Typhonium flagelliforme / Rodent Tuber) as a medicinal plant that can stop and treat various cancers and other severe diseases. A kind of taro plants with a maximum height of 25 to 30 cm is only grown in the bush who are not exposed to direct sunlight. "This plant is commonly found in Java," said Drs.Patoppoi Pasau, the first person who discovered the plant in Indonesia.
These herbs have been studied since 1995 by Prof. Dr. Chris KHTeo, Dip Agric (M), BSc Agric (Hons) (M), MS, PhD from Universiti Sains Malaysia and also the founder of Cancer Care Penang, Malaysia. Cancer treatment institutions established in 1995 that has helped thousands of patients from Malaysia, America, England, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and various countries in the world. In Indonesia, this plant first discovered by Patoppoi in Pekalongan, Central Java. At that time, the wife Patoppoi breast cancer stage III and should be operated on January 14, 1998. After the cancer is removed through surgery, Patoppoi wife had to undergo chemotherapy (injection of chemicals to kill the cells, Red) to stop the spread of cancer cells are. "Prior to chemotherapy, the doctor told us to prepare a wig (wigs) because the chemotherapy would cause hair loss, in addition to skin damage and loss of appetite," explained Patoppoi.
Accompany his wife during chemo, Patoppoi continue to seek alternative treatment until he got the information about the use of tea in Malaysia Lin Qi to treat cancer. "At that time I also fly to the Malaysiauntuk buy tea," said a well Patoppoi biologists. When he was in a drug store in Malaysia, he accidentally saw and read books on cancer treatment called Cancer, Yet They Live essay Dr Chris KH Teo 1996 issue. "After I read the brief, I just bought the book. Once I found the book, so I did not even buy tea Lin Qi, but went straight back to Indonesia," Patoppoi recalled with a smile.
In that book read Patoppoi Typhonium flagelliforme's efficacy. Based on his knowledge in the field of biology, retired Department of Agriculture officials immediately investigate this and find these plants. After contacting several colleagues at various places, relatives in Pekalongan Central Java, to call back. Apparently, they found the plant there. After getting the plant and learn more, contact Dr. Patoppoi. Teo in Malaysia to ask for the truth of the plants he found it. After a few days, Dr Teo contact Patoppoi and explained that these plants are really Rodent Tuber. "Dr Teo said that no doubt for use as a drug," continued Patoppoi. Finally, with determination and prayer for healing, Patoppoi begin processing plant in accordance with the steps in the book to be drunk as a medicine. Then contact Patoppoi son, Boni Patoppoi in Buduran, Sidoarjo to go find these plants. "After looking at the characteristics of these plants, I began looking at the river front of the house and immediately I get these plants grow wild in the river," said Boni who accompanied his father at the time.
During these plants consume juice, wife Patoppoi decreased side effects of chemotherapy she lived. Her hair stopped falling out, skin was not damaged and the nausea disappeared. "Even my mother's appetite was back to normal," said Boni. After three months of taking the drug, the wife Patoppoi cancer checkup. "The results of negative tests, and it really surprised us and the doctors in Jakarta," said Patoppoi. The doctors were then asked to Patoppoi, what was given to his wife .. "In fact they doubt if they have the wrong dose of chemotherapy given to us," continued Patoppoi. Having explained the story of Rodent Tuber plant, the doctors are also supporting the treatment and suggested expanding it. Furthermore according to the state of his wife who did not experience side effects of chemotherapy are very loud. And examination should be delayed three months to six months. "But for one thing, doctors do not want to support openly the use of plants as alternative medicine," said Boni, laughing.
After a while not related, based on increases in state of his wife, in April 1998, Patoppoi then contacted via fax Dr.Teo that untukmenginformasik of these plants are scattered throughout Java and invited Dr. Teo to spread the use of this plant in Indonesia. Then Dr. Teo fax us right back, but they do not know what they should do, because of long distances, "continued Patoppoi. Patoppoi suggested Despite their books translated into another language Indonesiadan distributed in Indonesia, Dr. Teo suggested that both sides work together and concentrate on the real effort to help cancer patients in Indonesia. Then, in late January 2000 during the Javanese Heading out of the death review Wiryanto Wing, one of the powerful Java Post reporter, was surprised Patoppoi. detailed data about the symptoms, pain, treatment Reviewed in Java Pos, was the same as one experiences the treatment of colon cancer patients described in the book.
And experimental treatment cured the patient. "Then I immediately wrote the column in Java Readers Write Post," Boni said. And the response he received was beyond expectations. Within a day, could be about 30 phone calls. "Until now, there were about 300 people who come here," Boni continued to address at Jl. KH. Khamdani, Buduran Sidoarjo. The first patient is a patient who successfully Cervical Cancer early stages. After review, the doctor said to have an operation .. But because not having the cost and while waiting for her to sell the operating costs, they came after reading the Java Pos. Having given the plant and how to drink it, not long after the patient came back and reported that he did not need an operation, because the negative results of said examination.
Based on the public interest around a very high, trying to meet Patoppoi Dr. Teo directly. With the help of the Director General of Drug and Food Control Ministry of Health, Sampurno, Dr. Patoppoi can see. Teo in Penang, Malaysia. At the Cancer Care Center's office in Penang, Malaysia, Patoppoi get more information about the plant research in Indonesia has a name. Apparently when Patoppoi get the book "Cancer, Yet They Live" revised edition 1999, fax he sent on to include in the book, and experience of his wife in an effort to fight against cancer. From their conversation, Dr. .. Teo recommended to establish representative Patoppoi Cancer Care in Jakarta and Surabaya. So officially, Patoppoi and his son was appointed as representatives of social institutions Cancer Care Indonesia, which is also mentioned in the monthly bulletin of Cancer Care, which is on Jl. Kayu Putih No. 4. 5, Jakarta, tel. 021-4894745, and in the Buduran, Sidoarjo. Cancer Care Malaysiatelah develop these forms of treatment are more sophisticated. They have produced mice Keladi extract in pill form and powder tea combined with various other tananaman certain dose. "The dose required depends on the illness," said Boni.
To get the drug, the patient must fill out a form and asked about the symptoms of the patient and will be sent by fax to Dr. Teo. "The form can be filled here, and we will fax it. Then Dr. Teo will personally send you a prescription and medicine, with a direct price from Malaysia, about 40-60 Ringgit Malaysia," said Boni. "So the patient pays only the cost of fax and drugs, we do not take advantage, even for the less able, can provide Dr.Teo overtime payments." He added.
Actually, this treatment is also supported and being tested by one of the senior doctors in Surabaya, in patients who develop kidney cancer. Adadua patients who were treated physicians who had served as director of one of the largest hospitals in Surabayaini. The first patient who developed cervical cancer had not given the treatment with taro mice, as has been handled by fellow physicians who already have a reputation.
After undergoing chemotherapy and radiology, the patient is experiencing hair loss, damaged and itchy skin, and always vomiting. But in the second patient who suffered from kidney cancer, doctors take care of themselves and this also gives a rat taro pills to help the healing process of chemotherapy. In this second patient, not found the effects experienced by patients first, even these patients looked normal. But this doctor declined to be exposed because he thought, this treatment has not formally studied in Indonesia. According to him, if his colleagues knew that he was wearing an alternative treatment, they will provide the predicate as a "too-kun" or doctor-healer. "This is an open gap between conventional and modern medicine," said the doctor.
Many interesting things happened Boni for receiving and providing assistance to the patient. There's even a heavy addict putaw and sabu-sabu in Surabaya, which eventually got addicted to the lung cancer. After receiving the verdict of lung cancer stage III, the patient was taking the pill and the tea from the Cancer Care. The result is surprising, since the drug was able to remove toxic drugs from the patient's blood circulation and overcome the dependence on these drugs. "But, if addicts are able to neutralize the poison with taro rat, she should not do drugs anymore, because the resistance would arise. So do not be like kebo, been wallowing bath again," said Boni, laughing. There are also patients who experience howled in pain due to cancer gnawing attack, because the painkiller medicine was not working anymore. After drinking juice taro given rat, a few moments later the patient is calm and no longer feel pain. Cancer Care According to the data of Malaysia, various diseases have been cured are the various cancers and serious illnesses such as breast cancer, lung, colon-rectum, liver, prostate, kidney, cervix, throat, bone, brain, spleen, leukemia, bile , pancreas, and hepatitis. So it is expected that research results are spending billions of Ringgit Malaysia for 5 years can be really useful for the health of the world.
For my friends who require further information in relation to the article "Cancer Drugs" can contact the representatives of social institutions.
Cancer is no longer lethal. The cancer patients in Indonesia can have a life expectancy longer with the discovery of the plant "taro RATS" (Typhonium flagelliforme / Rodent Tuber) as a medicinal plant that can stop and treat various cancers and other severe diseases. A kind of taro plants with a maximum height of 25 to 30 cm is only grown in the bush who are not exposed to direct sunlight. "This plant is commonly found in Java," said Drs.Patoppoi Pasau, the first person who discovered the plant in Indonesia.
These herbs have been studied since 1995 by Prof. Dr. Chris KHTeo, Dip Agric (M), BSc Agric (Hons) (M), MS, PhD from Universiti Sains Malaysia and also the founder of Cancer Care Penang, Malaysia. Cancer treatment institutions established in 1995 that has helped thousands of patients from Malaysia, America, England, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and various countries in the world. In Indonesia, this plant first discovered by Patoppoi in Pekalongan, Central Java. At that time, the wife Patoppoi breast cancer stage III and should be operated on January 14, 1998. After the cancer is removed through surgery, Patoppoi wife had to undergo chemotherapy (injection of chemicals to kill the cells, Red) to stop the spread of cancer cells are. "Prior to chemotherapy, the doctor told us to prepare a wig (wigs) because the chemotherapy would cause hair loss, in addition to skin damage and loss of appetite," explained Patoppoi.
Accompany his wife during chemo, Patoppoi continue to seek alternative treatment until he got the information about the use of tea in Malaysia Lin Qi to treat cancer. "At that time I also fly to the Malaysiauntuk buy tea," said a well Patoppoi biologists. When he was in a drug store in Malaysia, he accidentally saw and read books on cancer treatment called Cancer, Yet They Live essay Dr Chris KH Teo 1996 issue. "After I read the brief, I just bought the book. Once I found the book, so I did not even buy tea Lin Qi, but went straight back to Indonesia," Patoppoi recalled with a smile.
In that book read Patoppoi Typhonium flagelliforme's efficacy. Based on his knowledge in the field of biology, retired Department of Agriculture officials immediately investigate this and find these plants. After contacting several colleagues at various places, relatives in Pekalongan Central Java, to call back. Apparently, they found the plant there. After getting the plant and learn more, contact Dr. Patoppoi. Teo in Malaysia to ask for the truth of the plants he found it. After a few days, Dr Teo contact Patoppoi and explained that these plants are really Rodent Tuber. "Dr Teo said that no doubt for use as a drug," continued Patoppoi. Finally, with determination and prayer for healing, Patoppoi begin processing plant in accordance with the steps in the book to be drunk as a medicine. Then contact Patoppoi son, Boni Patoppoi in Buduran, Sidoarjo to go find these plants. "After looking at the characteristics of these plants, I began looking at the river front of the house and immediately I get these plants grow wild in the river," said Boni who accompanied his father at the time.
During these plants consume juice, wife Patoppoi decreased side effects of chemotherapy she lived. Her hair stopped falling out, skin was not damaged and the nausea disappeared. "Even my mother's appetite was back to normal," said Boni. After three months of taking the drug, the wife Patoppoi cancer checkup. "The results of negative tests, and it really surprised us and the doctors in Jakarta," said Patoppoi. The doctors were then asked to Patoppoi, what was given to his wife .. "In fact they doubt if they have the wrong dose of chemotherapy given to us," continued Patoppoi. Having explained the story of Rodent Tuber plant, the doctors are also supporting the treatment and suggested expanding it. Furthermore according to the state of his wife who did not experience side effects of chemotherapy are very loud. And examination should be delayed three months to six months. "But for one thing, doctors do not want to support openly the use of plants as alternative medicine," said Boni, laughing.
After a while not related, based on increases in state of his wife, in April 1998, Patoppoi then contacted via fax Dr.Teo that untukmenginformasik of these plants are scattered throughout Java and invited Dr. Teo to spread the use of this plant in Indonesia. Then Dr. Teo fax us right back, but they do not know what they should do, because of long distances, "continued Patoppoi. Patoppoi suggested Despite their books translated into another language Indonesiadan distributed in Indonesia, Dr. Teo suggested that both sides work together and concentrate on the real effort to help cancer patients in Indonesia. Then, in late January 2000 during the Javanese Heading out of the death review Wiryanto Wing, one of the powerful Java Post reporter, was surprised Patoppoi. detailed data about the symptoms, pain, treatment Reviewed in Java Pos, was the same as one experiences the treatment of colon cancer patients described in the book.
And experimental treatment cured the patient. "Then I immediately wrote the column in Java Readers Write Post," Boni said. And the response he received was beyond expectations. Within a day, could be about 30 phone calls. "Until now, there were about 300 people who come here," Boni continued to address at Jl. KH. Khamdani, Buduran Sidoarjo. The first patient is a patient who successfully Cervical Cancer early stages. After review, the doctor said to have an operation .. But because not having the cost and while waiting for her to sell the operating costs, they came after reading the Java Pos. Having given the plant and how to drink it, not long after the patient came back and reported that he did not need an operation, because the negative results of said examination.
Based on the public interest around a very high, trying to meet Patoppoi Dr. Teo directly. With the help of the Director General of Drug and Food Control Ministry of Health, Sampurno, Dr. Patoppoi can see. Teo in Penang, Malaysia. At the Cancer Care Center's office in Penang, Malaysia, Patoppoi get more information about the plant research in Indonesia has a name. Apparently when Patoppoi get the book "Cancer, Yet They Live" revised edition 1999, fax he sent on to include in the book, and experience of his wife in an effort to fight against cancer. From their conversation, Dr. .. Teo recommended to establish representative Patoppoi Cancer Care in Jakarta and Surabaya. So officially, Patoppoi and his son was appointed as representatives of social institutions Cancer Care Indonesia, which is also mentioned in the monthly bulletin of Cancer Care, which is on Jl. Kayu Putih No. 4. 5, Jakarta, tel. 021-4894745, and in the Buduran, Sidoarjo. Cancer Care Malaysiatelah develop these forms of treatment are more sophisticated. They have produced mice Keladi extract in pill form and powder tea combined with various other tananaman certain dose. "The dose required depends on the illness," said Boni.
To get the drug, the patient must fill out a form and asked about the symptoms of the patient and will be sent by fax to Dr. Teo. "The form can be filled here, and we will fax it. Then Dr. Teo will personally send you a prescription and medicine, with a direct price from Malaysia, about 40-60 Ringgit Malaysia," said Boni. "So the patient pays only the cost of fax and drugs, we do not take advantage, even for the less able, can provide Dr.Teo overtime payments." He added.
Actually, this treatment is also supported and being tested by one of the senior doctors in Surabaya, in patients who develop kidney cancer. Adadua patients who were treated physicians who had served as director of one of the largest hospitals in Surabayaini. The first patient who developed cervical cancer had not given the treatment with taro mice, as has been handled by fellow physicians who already have a reputation.
After undergoing chemotherapy and radiology, the patient is experiencing hair loss, damaged and itchy skin, and always vomiting. But in the second patient who suffered from kidney cancer, doctors take care of themselves and this also gives a rat taro pills to help the healing process of chemotherapy. In this second patient, not found the effects experienced by patients first, even these patients looked normal. But this doctor declined to be exposed because he thought, this treatment has not formally studied in Indonesia. According to him, if his colleagues knew that he was wearing an alternative treatment, they will provide the predicate as a "too-kun" or doctor-healer. "This is an open gap between conventional and modern medicine," said the doctor.
Many interesting things happened Boni for receiving and providing assistance to the patient. There's even a heavy addict putaw and sabu-sabu in Surabaya, which eventually got addicted to the lung cancer. After receiving the verdict of lung cancer stage III, the patient was taking the pill and the tea from the Cancer Care. The result is surprising, since the drug was able to remove toxic drugs from the patient's blood circulation and overcome the dependence on these drugs. "But, if addicts are able to neutralize the poison with taro rat, she should not do drugs anymore, because the resistance would arise. So do not be like kebo, been wallowing bath again," said Boni, laughing. There are also patients who experience howled in pain due to cancer gnawing attack, because the painkiller medicine was not working anymore. After drinking juice taro given rat, a few moments later the patient is calm and no longer feel pain. Cancer Care According to the data of Malaysia, various diseases have been cured are the various cancers and serious illnesses such as breast cancer, lung, colon-rectum, liver, prostate, kidney, cervix, throat, bone, brain, spleen, leukemia, bile , pancreas, and hepatitis. So it is expected that research results are spending billions of Ringgit Malaysia for 5 years can be really useful for the health of the world.
For my friends who require further information in relation to the article "Cancer Drugs" can contact the representatives of social institutions.
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