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The Real Superhero in the World.. Part 2

Monday, February 22, 2010 -, " Welcome to visit on our info site."

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Ben Underwoodtaught itu buta, kedua matanya dihilangkan karena kanker  ketika ia berusia 3 tahun.
Namun, dia bermain bola basket, naik sepeda, dan hidup seperti orang normal.
Dia belajar sendiri untuk menggunakan lokasi gema untuk bernavigasi di seluruh dunia.
Tanpa panduan-anjing, ia bahkan tidak perlu tangan: ia menggunakan suara. Ben membuat klik pendek suara yang memantul kembali dari objek. Hebatnya, telinganya mengambil ecos untuk memberi tahu di mana objek. Dia satu-satunya orang di dunia yang melihat hanya menggunakan eko lokasi, seperti sonar atau lumba-lumba.
Ben Underwoodtaught is blind, both of his eyes were removed (cancer) when he was 3.
Yet, he plays basketball, rides on a bicycle, and lives a quite normal life.
He taught himself to use echo location to navigate around the world.
With no guide-dogs, he doesn't even need hands: he uses sound. Ben makes a short click sound that bounces back from objects. Amazingly, his ears pick up the ecos to let him know where the objects are. He's the only person in the world who sees using nothing but eco location, like a sonar or a dolphin.

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