Ini adalah GUNUNG SINAI, dimana MUSA mendapatkan 10 PERINTAH ALLAH.
Ini adalah gambar Sungai NIL tempat Musa waktu kecil dibuang dan di pungut oleh Putri Firaun.
Tampak diatas adalah Gambar Menara Daud
Yang ini gambar pilar Absalom, salah seorang Anak Daud
Ini adalah gunung dimana dahulu Yesus Kristus di cobai oleh iblissewaktu Ia berpuasa selama 40 hari. Matius 4:8
Ini adalah gunung dimana dahulu Yesus Kristus di cobai oleh iblissewaktu Ia berpuasa selama 40 hari. Matius 4:8
Ini adalah sungai Yordan tempat Yohanes Pembaptis membaptiskanorang-orang dan juga Tuhan Yesus. Di kolam inilah sewaktu Yesusdibaptis lalu ada suara yang berseru dari langit "Inilah anakKu yangKukasihi dan kepadaNya lah Aku berkenan" dan Roh Kudus dalam bentukburung merpati hingga di atasNya. Lukas 3:21-22
Ini adalah gambar pohon Zaitun
Ini adalah gambar kolam Siloam, dimana dahulu Tuhan Yesus menyuruhorang buta untuk membasuh matanya.Yohanes 9:7
Ini adalah gambar tempat dimana Yesus mengadakan perjamuanterakhir bersama murid-murid- Nya.
Ini adalah gambar Via Dolorosa, yaitu jalan yang dilewati Yesus dariistana Herodes ke bukit Golgota sambil memikul salib. Di jalan inilahYesus terjatuh dan berkata pada perempuan Israel "jangan tangisi Aku,tapi tangisilah dirimu dan anak-anakmu juga."
Ini gambar dari kubur Tuhan Yesus yang kosong.
-------- English Help -----
Historic Places of the Bible
Old Testament
This is Mount Sinai, where Moses got 10 COMMANDMENTS GOD.
This is a picture of the Nile where Moses was little disposed of and the collection of Princess Pharaoh.
Looked over the Tower of David Picture
These images are pillars Absalom, one of the Son of David
This is the mountain where Jesus Christ first in cobai by iblissewaktu He fasted for 40 days. Matthew 4:8
This is the Jordan River where John the Baptist membaptiskanorang people and also the Lord Jesus. In this pond when Yesusdibaptis then a voice called out from the sky "This is my son is yangKukasihi and Him I am well pleased" and the Holy Spirit in dove bentukburung up on it. Luke 3:21-22
This is a picture of Olive trees
This is the Sea of Galilee
This is a picture of the lake of Tiberias.
This is a picture of the pool of Siloam, where Jesus used to wash menyuruhorang blind matanya.Yohanes 9:7
This is a picture of the place where Jesus was held perjamuanterakhir with disciples of his.
This is a picture of the Via Dolorosa, the path that Jesus passed dariistana Herod to Golgotha while carrying the cross. InilahYesus fell in the street and told the Israeli women "do not cry I do, but tangisilah yourself and your children too."
This picture of the tomb of Jesus empty.
Old Testament
This is Mount Sinai, where Moses got 10 COMMANDMENTS GOD.
This is a picture of the Nile where Moses was little disposed of and the collection of Princess Pharaoh.
Looked over the Tower of David Picture
These images are pillars Absalom, one of the Son of David
This is the mountain where Jesus Christ first in cobai by iblissewaktu He fasted for 40 days. Matthew 4:8
This is the Jordan River where John the Baptist membaptiskanorang people and also the Lord Jesus. In this pond when Yesusdibaptis then a voice called out from the sky "This is my son is yangKukasihi and Him I am well pleased" and the Holy Spirit in dove bentukburung up on it. Luke 3:21-22
This is a picture of Olive trees
This is the Sea of Galilee
This is a picture of the lake of Tiberias.
This is a picture of the pool of Siloam, where Jesus used to wash menyuruhorang blind matanya.Yohanes 9:7
This is a picture of the place where Jesus was held perjamuanterakhir with disciples of his.
This is a picture of the Via Dolorosa, the path that Jesus passed dariistana Herod to Golgotha while carrying the cross. InilahYesus fell in the street and told the Israeli women "do not cry I do, but tangisilah yourself and your children too."
This picture of the tomb of Jesus empty.
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