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The whale kill her trainers...heboh, paus bunuh pelatihnya!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010 -, " Welcome to visit on our info site."

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Seekor ikan paus pembunuh menyambar pelatihnya yang berada di pinggir kolam. Paus itu menggunakan rahangnya dan membawa pelatih perempuan tersebut ke dalam air. Kejadian itu pun sontak menggegerkan penonton yang saat itu sedang menyaksikan atraksinya. Sang pelatih pun tewas seketika dihadapan para penonton yang menyaksikannya dengan ketakutan.

Para penonton pun berhamburan keluar dari stadion SeaWorld, dan sebagian dari arena bermain itu akhirnya ditutup.

Pelatih Dawn Brancheau, 40 tahun, pada saat itu sedang menggosok badan Tilikum, paus pembunuh, dengan bobot 12 ribu pon, dalam pertunjukan sore hari. "Tapi tiba-tiba paus itu menarik dan membawanya ke dalam air," ujar Kepala Pelatih SeaWorld Chuck Tompkins.
Petugas SeaWorld mengatakan bahwa pelatih tersebut tewas karena tenggelam.

Seorang penonton yang menyaksikan kejadian itu, Eldon Skaggs, mengatakan bahwa interaksi Brancheau dengan paus tersebut awalnya terlihat tenang dan santai. "Tapi tiba-tiba paus itu menariknya dan membawanya berenang," ujarnya seperti dilansir Associated Press, Kamis (25/2/2010).

Skaggs yang berusia 72 tahun menambahkan, alarm akhirnya berbunyi dan para pekerja membawa para penonton keluar stadion. Pada saat itu juga para pekerja berlarian membawa jaring. "Pada awal acara paus itu tidak merespon perintah sang pelatih, bahkan paus tersebut bertindak seperti anak yang keras kepala," imbuh Skaggs.

Atas kejadian tersebut, para pelatih dilarang untuk berada di dalam air bersama Tilikum. Sekira 29 pelatih yang ada di SeaWorld, hanya 12 pelatih saja yang bekerja mengurus Tilikum. Brancheau merupakan pelatih yang berpengalaman di antara yang lainnya, dia juga paling paham karakter paus berusia 30 tahun itu.

Dengan adanya kejadian ini, menjadikan ketiga kalinya paus pembunuh membunuh pelatihnya. Juru bicara SeaWorld mengatakan bahwa Tilikum adalah paus ketiga yang membunuh pelatihnya. Kejadian pertama berlangsung di Inggris pada 1991.(Okezone)

A killer whale grabbed his coach who was on the edge of the pond. Pope's use of his jaw and bring the coach women into the water. The incident also damaged a stir when audiences were watching attractions. The coach was killed instantly in front of the spectators who watched in horror.
The audience poured out of the stadium SeaWorld, and part of the playground was finally closed.
Coach Dawn Brancheau, 40 years old, at that time was rubbing Tilikum body, killer whales, with 12 thousand pounds of weight, in the afternoon show. "But suddenly pulled the whale and brought it into the water," said Head Coach Chuck Tompkins SeaWorld. SeaWorld officials say that the coach was killed by drowning.
A spectator who witnessed the incident, Eldon Skaggs, Brancheau said that interactions with these whales initially appeared calm and relaxed. "But suddenly pulled the whale and took a swim," he said as reported by the Associated Press, Thursday (25/2/2010).
Skaggs is 72-year-old added, the alarm finally sounded and the workers brought the spectators out of stadiums. At the same time the workers were running with a net. "At the beginning of the pope did not respond to the coach's command, even the pope is acting like a stubborn child," Skaggs added.
Of the event, the coaches are prohibited to be in the water with Tilikum. Approximately 29 coaches who have at SeaWorld, only 12 coaches are working to take care Tilikum. Brancheau is a seasoned coach among others, he also understood the character of most 30-year-old pope's.
With this event, making the third time killer whales to kill his coach. SeaWorld spokeswoman said that Tilikum is the third pope to kill his coach. The first incident took place in England in 1991. (Okezone)
Posted by okay on Thursday, February 25, 2010 Label: Did you know
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