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Unfortunate Bodies....好可怜哦。。

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Unfortunate Bodies....好可怜哦。。

Baby with Three Arms
Bayi berusia 2 bulan ini,bernama Liu Junjie dari Provinsi Anhui, Cina, dilahirkan dengan lengan ketiga pada tahun 2006.

This 2-month-old baby named Liu Junjie from Anhui Province, China, was born with a third arm on 2006.
Doctors successfully removed the extremely rare and well-developed third arm, but the baby required long-term physical therapy to gain function in his remaining hand, which has no palm and flexes in either direction.
"We're hoping to exchange information with doctors who've dealt with similar cases anywhere in the world," said Chen, head of the orthopedics department at Shanghai Children's Medical Center. "This is so rare that we have virtually no information to go on."

Cyclop Baby
Pada 2006, bayi ini dilahirkan dengan hanya satu mata di India. Staf medis yang membantu memberikan anak percaya bahwa kondisi anak itu disebabkan oleh percobaan obat anti kanker. Penyebab lain yang ditulis dalam laporan oleh rumah sakit adalah bahwa bisa juga hasil dari kelainan kromosom.  
On 2006, this baby was born with a only one eye in India. Medical staff who helped deliver the child believe that the child's condition was caused by an experimental anti-cancer drug. Another cause written in the report by the hospital was that it could also be the result of a chromosomal disorder.
The child was diagnosed with a rare chromosomal disorder, known as cyclopia. She was born with a single eye in the center of her forehead, no nose and her brain fused into a single hemisphere. With such severe deformities, it was a miracle that the girl survived even a few minutes after delivery. The baby died days later.

Feet facing backwards (Wang Fang - China)

Wang Fang, 27, dari kota Chongqing di Cina, lahir dengan kakinya menghadap ke arah yang salah.
Dia telah belajar untuk hidup dengan kondisi tanpa masalah dan baru-baru ini menolak pensiun cacat dengan menjadi diklasifikasikan sebagai dinonaktifkan. "Aku bisa lari lebih cepat daripada kebanyakan teman-teman saya dan memiliki pekerjaan tetap sebagai pelayan di restoran keluarga. Tidak ada alasan untuk kelas saya sebagai cacat." 

Wang Fang, 27, of Chongqing city in China, was born with her feet facing the wrong way.
She has learned to live with her condition without problems and recently refused a disability pension by being classified as disabled. "I can run faster than most of my friends and have a regular job as a waitress in the family restaurant. There is no reason to class me as disabled."

Frog-like Baby
Pada 2006, ini tampak aneh bayi lahir di Charikot, markas besar distrik Dolakha, menarik sejumlah besar penonton untuk menyaksikan pemandangan menakjubkan.
Leher-kurang bayi dengan kepala hampir seluruhnya tenggelam ke bagian atas tubuh dan dengan bola mata besar benar-benar luar biasa
Bagaimanapun juga bayi yang aneh ini akhirnya  meninggal setelah setengah jam kelahirannya, Suntali, ibu, informasi. Itu dibawa ke rumah sakit setelah kematian. Berita tentang seperti bayi yang dibawa ke rumah sakit menyebar seperti api dan ada ratusan berkumpul di rumah sakit untuk melihat-lihat. Polisi harus dikerahkan untuk mengendalikan massa.
Bayi 2kg beratnya saat lahir dan dilahirkan setelah sembilan bulan normal periode kehamilan. Suntali, sudah menjadi ibu dua anak perempuan normal, tidak menderita penyakit apa pun selama kehamilan. Nir Bahadur, sang ayah, mengatakan ia tidak merasakan penyesalan bagi bayi baru lahir kematian. "Saya senang bahwa tidak ada yang terjadi kepada istri saya," katanya.

On 2006, this bizarre-looking baby was born in Charikot, the headquarters of Dolakha district, attracting a huge number of onlookers to witness the astonishing sight.

The neck-less baby with its head almost totally sunk into the upper part of the body and with extraordinarily large eyeballs literally popping out of the eye-sockets, was born to Nir Bahadur Karki and Suntali Karki at the Gaurishnkar Hospital in Charikot. The Karki couple is a permanent resident of Dolakha's Bhirkot VDC.

The bizarre baby, however, died after half an hour of its birth, Suntali, the mother, informed. It was taken to the hospital after its death. The news about such a baby being brought to the hospital spread like wildfire and there were hundreds gathered at the hospital to have a look. The police had to be deployed to control the crowd.

The baby weighed 2kg at birth and was born after the normal nine-month gestation period. Suntali, already a mother of two normal daughters, was not suffering from any illness during the pregnancy. Nir Bahadur, the father, says he does not feel any remorse for the newly-born baby's death. "I am happy that nothing happened to my wife," he said.

World's Largest Hand
Lui Hua menderita dari kondisi yang jarang terjadi dikenal sebagai macrodactyly. Ketika ia masuk rumah sakit di Shanghai pada Juli 2007, ibu jari kirinya diukur 10,2 inci dan diukur jari telunjuknya dekat dengan 12.
Pada tanggal 20 Juli ahli bedah melakukan tujuh jam operasi untuk mengurangi ukuran Liu jari-jari dan jempol. Dokter mengeluarkan £ 11 dari daging dan tulang dalam prosedur.
Pembedahan kedua dijadwalkan berlangsung. Pembesaran tungkai dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa kondisi medis. Lymphedema mungkin merupakan penyebab paling umum dan hasil di beberapa anggota badan diperbesar luar biasa.

Lui Hua suffers from a rare condition known as macrodactyly. When he was hospitalized in Shanghai on July 2007, his left thumb measured 10.2 inches and his index finger measured close to 12.
On July 20 surgeons undertook a seven-hour operation to reduce the size of Liu's fingers and thumb. Doctors removed 11 pounds of flesh and bone in the procedure.
A second surgery is scheduled to take place. Enlarged limbs can be caused by a number of medical conditions. Lymphedema is perhaps the most common cause and results in some extraordinarily enlarged limbs.

13-inch Tailed Man
Dengan 13-inch ekor, Chandre Oram, seorang pekerja perkebunan teh, telah cukup menjadi objek pengabdian di tempat asalnya Alipurduar, West Bengal dan dipercaya bahwa Hanuman adalah nyata dalam dirinya.  
With a 13-inch tail, Chandre Oram, a tea-estate worker, has become quite an object of devotion in his native Alipurduar, West Bengal and believes that Hanuman is manifest in him.
"I was born on Ram Navami (birthday of Lord Ram). People have a lot of faith in me - they get cured of severe ailments when they touch my tail. I believe I can do a lot of good to those who come to me with devotion," says the man, before whom thousands of people queue up each day to seek blessings.
In a corner of the courtyard of his home, Oram has set up a small Hanuman temple, where he receives offerings on Ram Navami, which he later offers to the deity.


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