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The Best Six of Drink..Enam minuman terbaik

Wednesday, December 2, 2009 -, " Welcome to visit on our info site."

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The Best Of Drink - Green Tea

The Second is Red Wine

The Thrid is Soy Milk

The Fourth is Yoghurt

The fifth is Cider Soup Bone

The sixth is Mushroom Soup

Dalam laporan penelitian di Jepang disebutkan, semua otang di atas 40 tahun memiliki sel kanker, berkembangbiaknya sel tersebut tergantung pada kondisi masing-masing orang.
Teh hijau memiliki kemampuan mencegah dan menghambat perkembangan sel kanker, setiap hari minum 4 gelas teh hijau dapat menghambat perkembangan sel kanker selama 9 tahun.Teh hijau juga dapat menguatkan gigi, membasmi kuman gigi dan mencegah terjadinya kerak gigi, serta dapat meningkatkan kelenturan pembuluh darah kita, mengurangi terkena stroke.
In a research report in Japan mentioned, all man over 40 years have cancer cells, these cells of growth depends on the condition of each person.
"Green tea has the ability to prevent and inhibit cancer cell growth, every day drinking 4 cups of green tea can inhibit cancer cell growth during the 9th green tahun.Teh can also strengthen the tooth, disinfect teeth and prevent tooth crust, and can increase flexibility in our veins,reduces stroke.

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