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The difference between winners and losers--成功者与 失败者的区别--part 4

Sunday, November 29, 2009 -, " Welcome to visit on our info site."

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成功者总是“坚持到底”,失败者常“半途而废-----The winners always“stick it out”, the losers“give up halfway.”

成功者视问题为挑战, 失败者视问题为负担。------ The winners see problems as challenges, the loser see the problem as a burden.

成功者“我能为他们做什么”失败者“他们为我做什么”The winners thinks"what can I do for someone else?", the losers thinks "What can people do to me?"

成功者自信,从不妒忌他人,失败者总是妒忌他人 The winners self-confidence, never jealous of others, the losers are always jealous of others.

成功者相信“路是人走出来的 。”, 失败者把前途交给“命运 ”The winners believe that "roads are for people to come out of.", The loser believe that the future we leave to fate", he losers are always jealous of others.

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